Monday, August 9, 2021

anger at the book

The first really difficult literary text I read was Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. I thought it was a children's book - a fantastic adventure story - and I read it as that, but it was really difficult and I only just understood it - even just the surface story, not to mention the deeper allegorical meaning. 

It was hard work but I kept going with it. I don't think I quite finished it (I can't really remember). I think I got to quite an advanced point in the text and just realised that the rest was going to be more of what I'd already read. I remember getting angry at it - angry at the book. 

I know that it really enriched my literacy and my vocabulary, even though it was such hard work and I hardly understood it. 

Saturday, August 7, 2021


I was really struck by this verse from the Bible earlier today: 

The grass withers and the flowers fall,

but the word of our God endures forever. (Isaiah 40:8)