Wednesday, February 9, 2022

no idea

I remember when I was in first grade, my teachers thought I was a slow learner, so they put me in the remedial class. The remedial class was weird. It's funny what we remember. I clearly remember that it wasn't very well-lit. I also remember it was a very small class and that what was taught was very beginning lessons about the alphabet and numbers. I don't think I stayed in that class. I only remember being there once.

I have some ideas about what led to me being sent to the remedial class. It was partly that, for some reason, I had no idea how to do what we were supposed to do. Like, they gave us this sheet of questions where you have equations and one of the numbers is missing - like: 4 + ☐ = 7 - and you had to fill in the numbers. I just had absolutely no idea how to do any of them. I didn't even know where to start. Like, if I'd known, I could have counted on my fingers or something, but I was just completely clueless. Another thing that I think led to me being put in the remedial class was that I was being bullied by another kid. He would always say, 'do [this] or I will bash you up'. And I was scared, so I ended up doing some pretty strange things that I never would have done otherwise. 

At the moment, I feel like I'm in the same situation I was when I was looking at that sheet of questions with no idea what to do. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

lights in the dark

gratitude is life changing. Even in the most challenging times of my life there have been things that lifted my spirits and made me feel better - lights in the darkness

those things often come from unexpected sources at unexpected, when you've failed and you're back to square one and you feel shattered and suddenly someone who you had some kind of connection with but had never really spoken to you - they start talking to you and saying it's good to see you and how are you going? They were always so quiet and now they're so friendly and it's like a balm to your soul.