Sunday, March 31, 2024


I'm a fan of ebooks because they enable me to have and to carry with me a whole library of books that I wouldn't otherwise be able to afford and wouldn't have the space to store anyway. Another huge advantage ebooks have over hard copies is they're searchable, and you can copy and paste quotes from them. 

But I love hardcopy books as well. I have hundreds and I'm always buying new ones. Sometimes, when I only own the ebook, I feel like I don't really have a copy of the book. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024


In my taper, lately, I've gone further and more quickly than I thought was possible. 

Sunday, March 17, 2024


I want to start making videos actually I already started


For some reason I feel morally obligated to dwell on what is bad and unfortunate. I think that my thought somehow makes a difference, but thought in itself doesn't make any difference. The least actual effort outweighs all thought. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024


me talking to Avril Lavigne:

What do you mean you've been seeing too much of me lately and I'm starting to get on your nerves and this is what happened last time and it's not what we deserve?

Where the hell did this come from, Avril!!??

receding reliance

Heather Ashton talked about the fear people have, as they taper, about ending the taper and coping without the benzo, and she went on to say that often it's a lot easier than people envisage because of the newfound freedom people experience as their reliance on the drug recedes. 

That's true in my experience. We tend to project the conditions we are subject to into the future. When I imagined the last stages of my taper earlier, when I was still very reliant on Valium, it always seemed impossible. I know what it's like to need it and not be able to get it and I imagined that it would be like that, but it's not because I don't need it as much. It's not even an issue. How am I going to cope when I only have 1 mg a day [or whatever]? You cope just fine because you won't need it as much at that point. The key thing though, is to taper - to reduce gradually. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024


All of our communication is a trade-off between the truth and shared narratives. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024


One of the things that happens when I stop drinking is that I become so much more creative - I have more ideas and greater will to just make stuff. When I stopped drinking before, the creative energy kicked in within a couple of months. It was really noticeable. It's one of the delusions that goes with drinking. You think that everything is more enjoyable when you drink and drinking empowers you to be more productive and more creative, and that's a lie.

This time though, because I was under the shadow of Valium withdrawal, it took a while for my creative energy to kick in. It was a matter of years rather than a matter of months like before. The good thing is that it's permanent. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Sunday, March 3, 2024


if you ever try to free me, I will stick an awl through my ear and hammer it to the it is written


Don't say you are going to do something, as a threat or an enticement, unless you intend to do it.