Wednesday, August 21, 2024


It's easy to forget what things were like not that long it was always difficult and I was never comfortable. 

Going out for a walk was difficult. Then I remember the change that happened in stages. I started getting pleasure from going out for a walk. 

I always needed to take some Valium with me, just in case, especially if I was going to the shops, but even if I was going for a run or for a walk. Early on I actually needed to take some Valium before I left home to go to the shop or wherever. 

Then one day I got to the point where I just didn't need it. I could go out or go to the shops and take no valium with me. 

A couple of years ago I would never take less than 2 x 2 mg tablets, but these days I very rarely take a whole 2 mg tablet at once. I break them into halves and quarters, and I'm just about at the point now where I can take .5 x 2 mg at night and another .5 some days. Next step will be .25 x 2 mg at a time, and then I'll skip sometimes, and skip more and more until, just like with needing to take some Valium with me when I go out, I won't need it at all - it will be immaterial. 

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