Monday, November 9, 2020

тыгылып калды

 I felt kind of stuck in the last couple of days with nanowrimo. I just felt like - I've been writing all this stuff about the theme that my novel is about, and I'm not that motivated to write more about it, because, as it is - in the form that it's in - it's not that great. I suppose it's interesting. I don't really know. I'm probably not the best judge. 

but I thought....I'll just see where I can add a bit more, just to get something written. that's an interesting thing about the way I'm writing this I don't pick up from where I left off. I tend to read what I've written and then add stuff in at different points. It's getting a bit confusing though, because I'm forgetting the order of things....not so much the order of things but, what I've written || for example - observations that I've made...when I'm writing, I can't remember whether I made a particular observation before the point that I'm working at or after's all kind of messy, although it's roughly chronological. but yes, I find myself writing something like - X is a recurring theme because it happened then and then, but the problem is the events I'm referring to come later in the story.

anyway, I broke out of being stuck, because I started writing about the same theme I've been sticking to so far, but then I realised there's a big overlap - I realised that there's another major theme infused and intertwined with the theme I've been writing about so far. so it just gives me more to write about. I don't know how I'm going to organise it all or how it's going to come together as a story, but at least I'll be able to keep writing. 

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