Tuesday, November 10, 2020

लिहीत रहा

I keep having to change tactics to keep working on nanowrimo. Like, the other day, I felt like the main theme I had been writing about was becoming kind of exhausted. Then I wrote a bit more about that theme and realised that there was an overlapping theme that was also important. When I say 'important', I mean, in my life. because, that's something else I've found with this project - I'm basically writing about my life. 

but then I found that that new theme kind of petered out as well. there's a lot more that I can write about it, but just not yet. I've introduced the theme and, for now, that's all I want to do. 

So, then I had another idea about how to proceed. my work is divided into chapters, so I had the idea of working on each chapter separately - reading through the chapter and then adding to it, and doing that for each different chapter. I didn't want to start at chapter 1 though, so I decided to start with chapter 7, which is the final chapter I've worked on, although not the final chapter I have in mind. 

Why I say it's not the final chapter I have in mind....I had this idea of structuring my novel around a series of ideas or stages, and I wrote those ideas at the start of the chapter. So, after chapter 7, there are 2 more chapters where I've just written a single word to represent the idea that chapter is going to be about. 

as it's developed though, it's been more chronological - each chapter is primarily about a phase in my life and about an idea or movement secondarily, and I've been pretty flexible about the idea aspect. 

before I started working on each chapter separately, I moved 1 or 2 passages around so that it was more chronological....because I've been working on it ad hoc, I've sometimes written something about different stages in my life in the same chapter. I've probably still done that a little bit. After all, I wasn't planning on making it chronological from the start; it's just come out like that, and, for the moment, that's what I'm doing, but I could change again. Like I said, I have to keep changing tactics. 

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