Thursday, March 25, 2021

digital and traditional

when I do digital art, I carefully select and adjust the colours and effects, but when I do traditional art, I don't want to have to think about that, so I just select a pencil/crayon/marker/pen at random and use it as I see fit ||| I make sure they all get used though...I keep all my pencils, etc in one set of containers - cups and tupperware - and then, once I've used one I put it in a different container \\\ then, when the 'used' container gets pretty full, or sometimes when I start a new image, I transfer all the implements back to the original containers and start the process again 

the great thing about digital art is that it's so adjustable - there are an endless amount of settings, colours, adjustments and effects you can do, and, unlike traditional art, you can try something to see how it looks and then undo it. You can change sizes shapes and colours as you go. You can delete and add different features. You can choose whether or not the different media you apply - pencil, paint, etc - interfere with each other

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