Monday, March 1, 2021


when I used to paint with watercolours (which I haven't done in a long time) I always had the strong feeling that I was working with something I was only partly in control of. I was managing the materials more than I was controlling them. 

anything could happen

one time I sprinkled some salt on my work, because it looked kind of tasty, and it created this really nice star-like effect because of the way that the salt absorbs the water and it gets absorbed in little streams rather than evenly in a circle around each grain of salt

so you just combine the things and the art creates itself

I think there's a similar principle at work in all forms of creativity - art, writing, music

when you separate a portion of the work, it becomes more concentrated. like for example, the phrase above 'anything could happen' has so much more meaning than it would if it was part of a sentence. being separate like that means that all the meaning has to be concentrated in those three words. 

or if you separate part of a painting or image from the rest, the colours become more vibrant and the details stand out more 


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