Friday, August 25, 2023

blog craziness

Something weird happened with this blog. I didn't write a single post so far for the whole month of august. I wanted to focus more on Medium, and that has really paid off. Out of interest, I checked my stats. I actually wasn't getting as many views as I used to in July, so I was thinking that the numbers would be really down. But my views shot up like a rocket. So far this month, I have received twice as many page views as the now second highest month since I started this blog at the start of 2020. 

Another noteworthy fact is that the vast majority of the views are from Singapore. Singapore has leapt up to second place, behind the US, for all time views, and I don't remember it even being in the top 10 before. 

Around half of all the views I received this month were on a single day: 16 August, 2023. 

It's nice when you do literally nothing and your stats go through the roof. Let's see what happens when I start posting again...standby. 👊

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