Wednesday, October 27, 2021


I've been listening to/ watching a lot of debates lately on youtube and twitch. I especially like Destiny (even though I diagree with a lot of his views) because I appreciate his ability to do something extraordinarily well that I'm not good at. 

Why I'm not good at debating or other kinds of adversarial discussion is that I find it really hard to hold the big picture and the details in my mind at the same time, and to easily switch between the two. To debate well, you have to be able to do that. I can sometimes do it well when the big picture is something I care about very deeply, so I can focus on the details and I don't lose sight of the big picture because it's more deeply ingrained in my consciousness. When free to hammer the details like that, I can be pretty adversarial, but it's because I care about the issue. 

My appreciation for Destiny is like my appreciation for Harold Bloom. I'm not really interested in their views, but I'm impressed by their ability to think. 

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