Monday, October 25, 2021


I watched an animated version of The Pilgrim's Progress and I was struck by the pilgrim's stupidity towards the end. I thought, after everything he's been through why is he still thinking it's OK to leave the narrow road because there's a parallel path that is much easier? And then, he's specifically advised not to talk to the flatterer, and what does he do? he talks to the flatterer and gets trapped. 

But later I was thinking about it, and I realised that I am literally that stupid. Maybe 'stupidity' is the wrong word. It's more of a moral thing. All I know is that I do stupid and irrational stuff a lot. If anything then, I found the Christian pilgrim's mistakes reassuring. He made mistakes and went astray, even quite late in his journey, but he made it in the end. 

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