Friday, July 14, 2023

blue heeler

As time passes, healing happens. If you break a bone, you put it in a cast, and then, after about 6 weeks, it's healed. What's scary about mental health issues is that that kind of healing is not a given. 

It doesn't seem like there's any authoritative protocol for mental health issues, like there is for physical ailments. 

There are treatments that work, but finding what works is more of an enterprise when the illness is mental. 

But like I said, it's scary. Doctors don't really know how to help you. You can get stuck indefinitely in vicious cycles. 

Something that has helped me a lot is changing my life in different ways. When I have a breakthrough because the new habits I've cultivated are having a cumulative effect, it feels like a cure. But nobody can tell you to do that like a doctor can tell you to take medication. 

The model according to which doctors treat you is based on passivity, because it's not really part of a doctor's brief to push you to change. 

But that is the cure in my opinion, at least for what ails me. 

I'm not suggesting doctors, nurses, hospitals and mental health professionals have never helped me. They have. They have even saved my life. But bottom line, what I've learnt is that my health and my recovery are my project that I need to be in charge of. I consult with medical professionals on that project, but they do not have the magic bullet that is going to fix me. 

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