Sunday, January 28, 2024


I saw some videos where people were talking about how a carnivore diet is a miracle cure for depression and a lot of other illnesses. Some people really believe in this. It's a mystery to me how anyone can believe that and how people can be getting any positive results like they say they are. 

The idea of just eating meat and nothing else goes against everything I've learnt about nutrition. Fruits and vegetables and other unprocessed or minimally processed foods are SO good for you. If you want to improve your diet cut out things like sugar, gluten, alcohol, caffeine. Worry less about fat and more about sugar. Sugar is the real enemy, not fat as we've been led to believe. All of these diet products are a scam. They take out the fat, which takes out the flavor, and then, to make the foods more palatable, they pump them full of sugar, which is actually worse than fat. 

I seriously don't think there is any down-side to a balanced diet, with minimal take-out, pre-prepared or processed foods, and mostly fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and some meat or other protein. If you're looking for a solution to depression, anxiety and other illnesses, try eating a healthy diet and exercising. Those things work, and it's not up for debate. Healthy diet, exercise, meaningful activities, spiritual fulfilment, social interaction....all of those things help - more than help. If anything, they are a cure. There is no quick fix, no trick. So, I don't believe it when people say that a carnivore diet or anything else is some kind of 'cure-all'. 

Working through your own recovery process is the cure. And from my experience with medication, especially with valium, I no longer believe that medication is the magic bullet that it's represented as. Especially anything that helps quickly and dramatically, like alcohol and benzos do, is problematic and dangerous. Alcohol nearly killed me, for real. That's not hyperbole. And valium has damaged me. After a few years on valium it no longer helped. I just took it to relieve the symptoms that the valium itself created. Then tapering off it has been a grueling, arduous, years long process that I'm not done with yet. So yeah....I think natural processes and proactively engaging in your own recovery are far, far better than relying on any medication or drug. 

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