Monday, May 27, 2024


I watched a video that came up on my youtube feed. It was a news report about a priest who allegedly bit a member of the congregation coming up to take communion. I thought, I have to hear this

So, I watched the video and, like pretty much everyone who commented on the video, I was actually on the side of the priest. 

You got to hear her side of it first and she said that she just wanted one of the 'cookies' - yes, she used that word to describe the eucharist multiple times. She said that the priest was refusing to give her a cookie (again, her actual words) and he explained to her that she hadn't met the necessary requirements - because apparently he knew her and they had talked before about what she needed to do to accept the body of Christ in an appropriate way. There's nothing unreasonable about that. As a non-Catholic who went to a Catholic high school and also went to mass many times, I know that I can never take communion at mass, unless I become a Catholic. 

So, she goes on to say that, because the priest wouldn't give her 'the cookie' she grabbed a whole handful of the 'cookies' and scrunched them up, knocking some to the floor....that's when the tussle between the two happened. When they interviewed the priest, he was very calm and reasonable and he just explained that he was trying to stop her from committing this act of desecration. 

To hear someone refer to the eucharist as a 'cookie' - something I've never heard before - and then to have a tantrum and desecrate the eucharist because they couldn't have one, is disturbed, repulsive and abhorrent. I found it hard to believe that anyone would ever talk and act like that, but apparently they did. 

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