Monday, February 8, 2021


when i'm working on a project, i like to go through the whole thing and just get it done roughly - put links or notes in the spaces - so that I can then work my way through the whole thing and not have to think. 

I like everything to be resolved very quickly, otherwise it weighs on my mind. 

\\\ i suppose, in a way, it's like drafting. 

what compels me to take this step is that, from first looking at the project and reading the materials, certain tensions arise - issues - things that I don't know what I'm going to do about. and I want to resolve those I read through the materials again, and whatever I know how I'm going to handle, I leave it and whatever is problematic, I very quickly look into it and make some notes - maybe even write out the whole section in full

i hate systems but i rely very heavily on my own systems || i build systems as I go. the system is why there are parts of the project that I know what to do and there is no tension. 

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