Monday, September 19, 2022

a better place

Sometimes, just the possibility of something makes all the difference. I think that, in our minds, there's less of a barrier between possibility and actuality than there is in our lives and our engagement with the world.  

Lately I've been on a kind of quest and I have to change my thinking, which is not easy. Recently I had the thought - what if I could just stop and reframe my thinking in a certain way? The reality right now is that I can't. I can't just stop ruminating and be positive. But then I thought - it's possible. I may not be able to achieve it just yet, but I believe it's possible - and there was something about that that gave me hope, and actually helped me to change my thinking and how I was feeling. 

Sometimes, for me, normality or peace or feeling OK seems so far away and there are so many difficult issues between me and that state, but the truth is that that better place in my mind is right there...there is no barrier stopping me from entering, except the scary stories I tell myself, and more and more I'm learning to see through those stories - to realize that they aren't true. 

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