Monday, June 17, 2024


I did a course about stress at uni, and when we did our tutorial presentation, we could do it on anything as long as we talked about stress. This was a really cool and interesting course. Along with our presentation, we had to create a poster....I'm not sure why we did that, but the artist in me really relished that task. 

I did my presentation about the stress of being in a cult. When I was presenting, I felt like it wasn't going that well because there was no response. The audience just seemed dead. Complete silence and no reactions. But then, when I asked if there were any questions, I realized that it wasn't that people weren't interested in what I was saying. It was the opposite. There were so many questions and the questions continued after the class, which is something I've never experienced before or since. 

It goes to show that when you have a unique take on a common topic, it's worth sharing it. 

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