Wednesday, June 19, 2024


I was reading the Gospel of Mark, chapter 15 today, and I was struck by how, just hours before he went to the cross, Jesus was still thinking of others. A woman came in and anointed his feet with perfume, and everyone was grumbling about why this expensive perfume was 'wasted' in this way when it could have been sold and the money given to the poor. 

Jesus says - leave her alone. You will always have the poor and you can always give to them, but you won't always have me. 'She anointed my body before burial' v8

That's what struck me....he's talking about his death, and yet he's not moody or emotional. In fact, Jesus continued to be a leader to the apostles even as he was going to the cross. 

I think about the way that, when there's a bit of extra pressure or things don't go the way I want them to, it affects me - it affects the way I interact with people. Seeing what Jesus is like motivates me to change that.

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