Thursday, July 30, 2020


I've been watching a lot of videos by Cat Woods. Every one of her videos is about the Bible - reviewing different translations, editions, study Bibles, how she studies the Bible, accesories (pens, stickers, etc)....the Bible and anything related is her only topic, so if you're not interested in the Bible or reading it, this is not the youtube channel for you. 

It's refreshing to watch/ listen to Christian content that is not about any particular doctrinal approach or issues...not talking about current events as fulfilments of prophecy...not preaching and teaching, but just expressing enthusiasm for the Bible. 

my favourite translation of the Bible is the Revised Standard Version. I like it because it represents a good balance between the kind of richness of language that you find in the King James Version, and the accessibility of a translation like the Good News Bible. Probably the Bible I've read and continue to read most is the NIV, and now the TNIV. I quite like the New Living Translation as well. It came out in 1996 and I liked how it was noticeably different from the NIV. Some verses I thought shed an interesting new light on the text, while others I thought lost something compared to the NIV. The translation philosophy behind the NLT was what's known as 'dynamic equivalence' or 'thought for thought' translation. In other words, the focus is more on the meaning being conveyed and less on the language used. This can be a little bit problematic because it opens the translation up more to subjectivity and the danger is that the text gets diluted or corrupted. With the NIV, the translators tried to achieve a balance between the two approaches - word for word, and thought for thought. 

The next Bible that I want to get is the NASB - New American Standard Bible - because I've heard good things about it. I've heard that it's really good for Bible study because, in the balance between word for word. and thought for thought, it's heavily slanted towards word for word. 

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