Monday, July 20, 2020

the dance


i always think that, if you have a goal, and you aren't meeting with success in your pursuit of that goal, but you keep going, that's better than if you had achieved success quickly. 

in the same way, I'm more inspired by people who have their struggles and setbacks and fears, but they try anyway, and they keep me that's more inspiring than someone who achieves a lot because of their strength or talent

but then there's also another kind of achievement that really impresses me, that is kind of related to's when someone does something that is so well done that it achieves a kind of  perfection. I think a good example of this is figure skating in the winter olympics. There are performances that are really good, and impressive.....and then there are those that embody a kind of magic. They are flawless....and when you're watching a performance like that, it lifts your spirits, because you're seeing someone achieve the impossible, but there's also a strange sense of inevitability about it...there isn't going to be any slip-ups or errors, because such things have no place in such a performance 

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