Tuesday, July 7, 2020

what to write

I have 4 youtube subscribers now. That's a 400% increase since last year! woo hoo! 

I sometimes toy with the idea of doing a vlog. At the moment, I'm more keen to wrte a book though. I hear a question from the crowd.....hey - what kind of book? Originally (by which I mean a couple of days ago) I was planning to write something kind of academic....like a published thesis....but that's problematic. Not only is it a lot of work, which would probably take years, even though I do have a draft already, but the bigger problem is to do with copyright. When you write and sell a book, you can't just quote from texts the way you do when you're writing an essay or thesis as a student. You have to get permission to quote from someone else's work. 

So, I'm just not down for that any more. I do love writing essays though, so I was thinking that I could write a series of 'personal' essays. I can still quote from texts because most of the literary texts that I like the most are old and in the public domain...you can access them on websites like project gutenberg and archive.org. I just won't be engaging with 'cutting edge' scholarship, but I'm not that keen to do that anyway. Or if I do, I can just write about their ideas without quoting from their work. I'll be giving my take on their ideas. 

I like the idea of writing creatively but not having to write a story, and I like the idea of writing essays without being restricted to the rules of writing academic essays. 

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