Saturday, July 30, 2022

it's entertaining because it's not a performance

I was listening to Bird Set Free by Sia. A couple of the lines go: "I don't care if I sing off-key, I find myself in my melody..."

What an amazing lyric from someone who I can't imagine ever sings off-key. Even when her voice breaks, it's done with intent and it's beautiful. And I suppose, if she ever does sing off-key, it would be beautiful. She probably does, but you wouldn't know it. 

You can tell it's heart-felt. The lyrics are powerful and personal and inspirational. So, how interesting that Sia expresses that. It could just be a persona she's voicing, but I think there's something to it. I like to think that what makes Sia such an outstanding singer and songwriter is that attitude. 

When you do something distinctive, it takes courage because you don't really know if it's any good. It's different from everything else, so how do you know it's good when it can't be measured by the standards of other things that are good?

It would be easy, if you are a good singer, to be content with doing what other good singers are doing. 

Nothing appeals like authenticity though. I've been watching a lot of Emma Chamberlain's youtube videos lately. She's someone who is now rich, famous and successful because she's just herself. She's totally engaging and entertaining but you feel like it's not a performance. She's the Dickens of the 21st century. Dickens could write about a rainy Sunday afternoon at home, and make it enchanting. Likewise, Emma Chamberlain can make a video about going shopping or cooking soup, and it's entertaining. 

One thing I learn from observing successful creators is that success doesn't come from seeking success, it comes from wanting to do good work and doing it, and then growing in that field that you are working in. 

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