Monday, July 4, 2022


Our lives are like a work of art that we create or a story we write. 

Acceptance is really important. The more we try to control our feelings, the harder they will be to control. It's a weird phenomenon, and it's quite challenging when it comes to things like anxiety and insomnia, which are unpleasant mental states. We want to do something to get out of the state we're in, so we try all these strategies to fix the problem. But the strategies don't work because we're fighting with our own feelings. 

When you can't sleep and it's an ongoing problem, doing everything you can to try to sleep doesn't work. What does work is accepting that you're not going to sleep, while taking positive steps in the right direction. Similarly with anxiety and worry. Trying to fight the problem - like, for example, trying to reason your way out of your worries - just makes it worse. What helps is accepting the problem and, at the same time, taking action that is going to make a positive difference. 

We have to make friends with our monsters. 

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