Thursday, August 25, 2022

entertained to death

I don't really like moving images. The thought of having an image that is always moving disturbs me for some reason. But I'm interested in animation. I started learning how to animate with Clip Studio Paint and other art software, and so far, I made a gif, but like I said, I don't like images like that, where the action is really short and repeated over and over. 

With social media, it's easy to get drawn into a state of passive consumption. There's so much that's interesting. It's easy to watch TikTok after TikTok or video after video or to scroll through post after post after post and you feel like you really need to engage. You feel like it's important, but it's actually not. We're like kids who don't want to go to bed and beg to just stay up five more minutes to watch just one more cartoon or whatever. 

I don't know the solution to this problem but I have some ideas. First of all, I think we need to parent ourselves. We need to see the danger of mindless scrolling. It's not harmless. When we catch ourselves doing it, just stop and do something more proactive. Instead of watching yet another youtube video or TikTok that someone else has made, make something yourself - make a youtube video or TikTok yourself or write something or make some art or learn something. Occupy yourself with things that are worthwhile and productive. Set the terms yourself, rather than letting the world set them for you.   

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