Thursday, August 11, 2022


This year, for the first time ever, I made money from my art and design, and also for the first time, I made money from writing. It's not much so far, but I'm really excited that this is a thing - this is something I do now. 

I've watched a lot of videos and read a lot of articles about ways of making money online, and there's a lot of great content that's available for free. The reason it's free is because people have learnt that that's how you succeed - you provide a lot of content for free, and then once you're established, you can start charging for some content. 

It doesn't pay to be focused on making money, at least as your primary concern. Or maybe it does. It probably works for some people. There's something to be said for hustle culture, but I think ultimately what really leads to success is quality. I'm excited about the things I'm working on, regardless of how much I earn from them. 

As Emerson wrote, "By doing his work he makes the need felt which he can supply, and creates the taste by which he is enjoyed. By doing his own work he unfolds himself." You need to give people something they want - something of value, and the most valuable thing you have is your unique self, with your gifts and your flaws. 

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