Monday, April 8, 2024


I started reading Neuromancer and it's great. I understand why it's considered a classic, but I kept thinking about how it's a classic of a different sort. It's a whole different creature from Frankenstein

The story is really compelling and the world he creates is mind-blowing. I wouldn't have understood this book if I read it in the 80s when it was published....that's what is so amazing. William Gibson understood the potential of technology and foresaw how it would develop. 

This is the book and the writer who coined the term 'cyberspace' and first talked about the matrix, which is an idea that led to the movies about the matrix. 

I've never been a fan of the kind of shorthand that modern writers use....the kind of cynical, worldly voice they assume, but this is like that but really, really good. That's my scholarly summation: this is very good. 

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