Monday, April 29, 2024

one way

I thought I would always write my blog - caeusura - but I went through such an upheaval in 2019, that I ended that blog, and started a new one - this one: voracioutee - at the beginning of 2020. 

The crisis continued and it has led me to completely stop drinking so decisively that I know I will never drink again. When things got really bad - late 2021, early 2022 - I was completely dependent on alcohol. I needed alcohol to survive. Then, after going through detox from March 15, 2022 to March 24, 2022, my reality was the opposite. Now, my survival depends on not drinking. 

The crisis also led me to get serious about tapering off Valium. I'm still going with that, and it's been 3 years, but I've made great progress and the actual end is in sight. It's actually doable, which is an amazing feeling. 

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