Saturday, April 13, 2024


As I went through the experience of stopping drinking and tapering off valium, a lot of the ideas that guided me brought to mind teachings in the Bible. Like, the idea of beginning a new life is just like the Biblical concept of being born again. 

Then, my belief in that new life and that it's my real life and it's growing, even though my old life still dominates in many ways. I think my new life is like a seedling: it's living but it's still small and fragile, and my old life is like a storm: it has no life of its own even though it seems so strong and violent. A storm can crush a seedling, but in the reality of my life, it won't. Storms pass and seedlings grow. 

So, that's an example of faith. It's just an idea. There isn't necessarily any objective evidence to support it. As the Bible says, faith is being certain of what you can't see, and I am certain of this reality. 

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