Friday, January 8, 2021

працоўныя месцы

for 6 years, I worked in a bank in the credit card department. i wasn't particularly good at the job, not because it was a hard job but more because it didn't really interest me. i'd mastered how it was done, but i couldn't seem to be very productive.

then I decided I wanted to become a teacher, so i left my full-time job to do full-time study, and, as weird as it sounds, I didn't really think about income....i just did, very soon, i needed a part-time job. so i started applying, and I ended up working in the same bank doing a different job where I had more responsibility, the job was more interesting, I was working less hours, and even though I was working less hours, I was earning....I think, a bit more than I had earned at my old full-time job, or at least around as much - enough to pay rent, etc

I did a lot of chopping and changing of courses and ended up pursuing English literature more so than school teaching, which was my original goal. 

another interesting development is related to the kind of work I've done off and on since 2009. when I was doing that original job that I did for 6 years, people commented on how I was good at presenting in meetings and workshops. I'd also had some previous experience teaching English when I lived in Hong Kong for a year. so, I started thinking that I could try to get into the training department. a job came up and I applied, and I had to present before a panel. I think, in terms of presenting, I did quite well, but what let me down was subject matter knowledge - because they were looking for someone to train staff about personal loans, and they could tell as soon as they asked me a question, that I knew next to nothing about personal loans. 

so I didn't get the job. but that desire to do something related to education stayed with me (and is still with me) and that's why I ended up going back to uni to become a teacher. but, as I said, for various reasons, school teaching never worked out, although I did tutoring, which I really enjoyed. then, in 2008/9, someone suggested to me that I should do my Certificate IV in training and assessment, which I did, and that enabled me to get a full-time job as a business trainer. so, weirdly, all these years later, I ended up getting to do what I had wanted to do when I was working in the credit card department. 

once I was working as a trainer, I started doing some work developing and validating resources and the kind of academic/ administrative work that needs to be done in an RTO (registered training organisation) and in the last couple of years I've been doing more of that sort of work rather than training. I still love teaching though, so I wouldn't mind getting back in the classroom, or doing some tutoring, at some stage in the future. 

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