Tuesday, January 26, 2021


when I was at university, I knew this girl who was a really good leader. She had a lot of friends and was always helping people, giving advice and encouragement. She was involved with lots of activities - sport, social functions, events, clubs, etc. She was very charismatic and vibrant. 

anyway, one night I was on the bus and I saw a couple, and the girl reminded me somehow of this other girl I knew. and something occurred to me that was quite different from the usual story we tell ourselves and society seems to tell us - that true fulfilment and happiness lies in having a relationship and being devoted to this one other person - because it struck me that all the good this woman did through her relationships and interactions with a wide range of people - all the meaning and purpose she brought to the world through her life...it would kind of be a negative thing if that was all focused on one person. It would be a waste. It would be a kind of dimming of her light. 

but of course, hopefully, that's not the ultimate reality in a healthy relationship, and I'm sure that when she did get married (which she did) she would still engage with the world. I don't know because I've lost touch with her but I'm sure she's still the dynamo she always was, just deeper and more mature. 

but it told me something about the stories we tell ourselves

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