Monday, January 18, 2021


I saw an instagram post by Hannah✨Artist + Illustrator 🎨. This is the post. I found it really inspiring - the idea that you don't need a special space, or a studio or even a desk to do art. She talked about how she lives in a one bedroom apartment and does her digital work on the couch and her painting in a corner \\

here I am stressing because I can only fit my laptop on my desktop and my wacom tablet next to it, so when I draw or write by hand or read, I have to put the book on my lap. in any case, i've ordered a desk - actually a small table - so that I will have space to do those things on a hard surface

i'm looking forward to having that space, but still, like I said, I really liked Hannah's attitude. you don't need a lot of stuff. 

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