Friday, January 22, 2021


I've been reading Earthlings by Sayaka Murata - translated by Ginny Tipley Takemori. It's Sayaka Murata's second novel to be translated into English, but she's written ten books in Japanese and won all of Japan's major literary awards. I really enjoyed Convenience Store Woman, which was her first novel to be translated into English, so I was keen to read Earthlings and I'm really enjoying it. I find Sayaka's novels very readable. 

Earthlings is a surprise though. The first indicator that it was quite different from....I just realised that I wrote about all this in an earlier blog post. sometimes i forget what I've written. or, i might remember writing about something but sometimes I write a whole post and delete it. but on January 18 I wrote about both of these books, and about how the reviews of Earthlings all said that the content was disturbing and dark. at the time, I didn't yet know what that meant, but now I do, and I agree - it's hella dark. and I think it's gona get even darker. 

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