Wednesday, January 13, 2021


I've been biased against Sam Harris, mainly because of his books opposing faith and Christianity, parts of which I've read. I thought he was unreasonable and unbalanced, and that his views weren't well thought through - were lacking in nuance and penetration // but I've just listened to one of his podcasts, and I was pleasantly surprised. 

I didn't agree with him about everything, but (just as I always say about Harold Bloom) I like his thinking. One of the things I really liked about his podcast was that he was critical of both sides - right and left. It's refreshing to hear that. So, it was interesting, compelling, and also very funny in parts. 

I was surprised. I thought he would be a rabid antitheist (which I wouldn't enjoy), but he came across as the sort of person that you could have a good conversation with. and yeah - it was very refreshing the way that he criticised both sides. he made the point early in the podcast that it's reasonable to do that - that we can be critical of the faults on one side without absolving the other side of all faults. we don't have to take a side, or, if we do take a side, we don't have to demonise the other side and think they're wrong about everything. 

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