Saturday, June 18, 2022

Lana Del Rey's aesthetic

The very first time I heard and saw a Lana Del Rey music video I almost instantly recognised and liked her aesthetic. I'd never seen it actually expressed as a thing. It had been a mood or a vibe reflected in films or other expressions of American culture, but she represented it really exquisitely. 

I can't even remember what that song was (I think it was 'video games'), and I only learnt who the singer was later, but I'll never forget that first impression. 

Another thing that I really like about Lana Del Rey is this sense I have that she's truly an artist. I remember having this feeling about one of her albums, for some reason, that this was truly a creative project. I suppose that's the case for all or most albums of all or most music artists, but we don't always think of it like that. We often don't think of an album as being a conceptual whole, for one thing, but then also...I can only really speak for myself....when I enjoy music, the fact that it's a created thing is not at the top of my mind. But there was something about this one album and/or some of the songs on it, or maybe it was also something I read or heard Lana Del Rey say in an interview, that made me sense a real joy of creation that resonated with me.  

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