Sunday, June 26, 2022

no easy way

I started a new blog, but this one is for making money so I'm paying to have it hosted. I thought it would be fairly straight forward but it's not at all. I'm bogged down in a morass of interlocking technologies. I can't even do basic things, like editing my website or even posting to my blog. 

At first I was thinking about trying to get a refund because I'm completely lost and I can't do anything with this new website. It's useless to me. I wouldn't even know what questions to ask. But then I thought - no, I'm going to think of the payment I made as an investment in training. So, I've got a lot of YouTube tutorials lined up to watch and articles to read, and I'm going to learn how to do it, because having my own website is something that I want to do anyway. This first blog may not succeed or make money but, if I learn how to do it, a later blog or some other kind of website will. 

Youtubers or other content creators who talk about ways of making money online often make it sound easy and like you will earn a lot of money quickly. I think it's possible to do that, but it's also possible to win the lottery. The approach I've learnt to take is to get ideas from youtube videos and other online content, and then to apply myself and work at them. 

I think there is some truth to the youtube videos and content. A lot of the strategies and ideas presented work, but they're not like the goose that laid the golden egg. I think you have to work at something in order to succeed at it. 

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