Saturday, May 13, 2023

negation and position

I can get all worked up about so-called experts publicly claiming and making the case for critical theory being incompatible with Christianity, and I could focus on that and write a whole blog post disputing that....but there's something unsatisfying about making that my focus. 

So I end up focusing on better things. I was watching a youtube video and I saw an ad for this Australian business that puts indigenous artwork on clothes. I was really excited by that, so I went to their website and looked them up on facebook and youtube. I watched a couple of videos highlighting indigenous artists. It was fascinating and it just really filled was something I could engage with....I also read a post on substack by Ted Gioia: Can Songs Really Replace Philosophy? about the power of music and poetry and how they, and not text, represent the foundation of western rationalism. 

All of this just fills my mind with inspiration...inspiration about creating and connecting and meaning and true spirituality. 

Why would I want to give all my attention to arguing against a view I disagree with? Why should I be defined by that? It's silly. I disagree with it, so why am I giving it my attention? Why am I reading this book I was reading, just so I can argue against it? 

It's OK to do that sometimes in a limited way. Like recently I wrote about something I disagreed with, and I was reading a whole book about this view. But what I did was that I picked out one small part of the book and explained why I disagree and then went on to write about my view about the issue. So, the overall message was positive. 

If I'm ever going to write a book, it will have to be like that. It can't have a negative premise, because what is the point of that? I don't believe in that. I can think of books like that and I've read some of them and want to read others, just because I'm interested in views I disagree with and I'm interested in how they make their arguments, but I wouldn't be motivated to write a whole book - I'm not even motivated to write a whole blog post - about what I disagree with or how things are bad or why someone is wrong or some ideology or viewpoint is depraved and wrong.  

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