Monday, October 19, 2020

a new school

do you want to draw unimpressive artwork that will blow people's minds? 

this is no ordinary achievement I'm talking about, so to avoid any deadwood dragging down my classes and holding everyone back, at great expense to myself, I conduct a screening process that I subject all potential aspirants to the noviciate stage of the unimpressive art academy I lead. 

Do you have what it takes? 

Yes you do. It's not a question of if, it's a question of what if?

It's one thing to blow people's minds with impressive artwork....anyone can do that, as long as they can create impressive artwork. but the next level - the level at which you will literally blow people's minds because your mind will resonate at an unparalleled being able to blow people's minds with unimpressive art work. 


Fred Red: I drew a stick figure and people were throwing money at me....I had more commissions than I could handle. I had to hire a staff of 100, rent a building and hire a security detail. 

Eric Earache: Since graduating from the unimpressive art academy, I've gone professional. I now have the skills and aptitudes to reduce my working hours to 10 minutes a fortnight. Once I learnt the secret of creating unimpressive art that blows people's minds, I can just do a few scribbles, and that's enough to support an opulant and jet-setting lifestyle. 

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