Wednesday, October 28, 2020


my novel is taking shape. I've written around 500 words, and I've introduced some of the major themes. 

I'd always thought that the subject matter I'm writing about was not suitable for a novel, but a conversation I had recently changed my mind, and now I'm writing about those themes. 

I feel like the technical skills I've developed from blogging and work are helping. I know how to get to the point - how to express ideas...but also, I think writing my blog has developed my creative writing to be spontaneous, random, strange. 

if it turns out to be any good, I will probably publish it on Kindle/ Amazon, as I know how to do that now, after publishing my first short book - daemons and radicals. I received my first royalty amount, and it was really small, but then, I priced it really cheaply and it's not exactly something that's going to go viral. but if I write a novel, I can charge a bit more for it and maybe it will be good and people will buy it. 

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