Monday, October 26, 2020

the work

I've written a couple of hundred words of my book. I'm not waiting for the official start of nanowrimo on November 1. I'm not sure how I'm going to go with nanowrimo. I'm not really enjoying the writing process. It's something I feel I have to force. 

but I'm warming up to it. I just wrote another 100 words. 

I feel like I'm actually going to be able to do it, because, for the first time, I've started and have a sense of how I will be able to continue. The other times that I started trying to write a novel, I would get so far...not very far...and just think that there's nowhere to go from here. but this time is different. what I've written isn't that great, but I have this really good idea - a kind of driving question - to keep me going. 

another creative outlet that I've re-opened is instagram, and using my phone for photos and videos. 

as for youtube.....I'm not so sure I'm gona do much more with that. I don't feel like it went well. I don't really like the work I've done. It's true that you have to be content to do things badly before you can do them well, but we're not all meant to do everything. I'll probably make a few more videos, continue the excel series, but sporadically, not very regularly. I also have in mind, using my phone to make vlogging videos or something like that - maybe talk about books and so on. 

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