Thursday, October 15, 2020

novel means new

I mentioned the conversation I had with a writer friend about my plans for nanowrimo. The talk raised, not problems, but issues. it gave me much more of an ambitious vision, but 2 things: 

  • I don't know how to achieve that vision
  • it is at odds with my intentions for nanowrimo. I don't mean that in a bad way, like, how could you suggest that? there's no way I want to do that! It's more about how my plan for actually being able to get the novel written in a month involved making it easy for myself to write, like I did for when I did Inktober - I followed tutorials that were basically designed for kids. My plan was to write something very experimental/ fragmented/ unstructured, but my writer friend did 2 things:
    • inspired me with a vision of what would actually make a really good novel - like a really good novel - and I want to write it, but....
    • he talked about the technicalities of writing a novel or a story or screenplay or anything like that, and, basically, it's like with art....I don't know if I can achieve the technicalities, and I don't actually know if I want to. 
I have a strange confidence that I can resolve these issues, or maybe it's just that it doesn't really matter. It's not a problem in the sense that anything is at stake. It's like with art....yes, I know that my technical skills are nowhere near pretty much all the art tubers I watch, but it doesn't matter because I can do whatever I want. I can make bad art which isn't really bad because I'm creating something that at least I like.