Saturday, October 3, 2020


I forgot that caffeine is a drug. I always drink decaf these days, but I just had a caffeinated instant coffee (Moccona) and it really lifted my mood. 

I do a lot of printing. Some people make use of multiple screens ||| I rename my documents - changing the start of the name - so I can distinguish and easily move between documents, but I also print so I can plan things out on paper and also compare the printed out documents with the document on the screen. 

I actually always make lots of notes on paper. I make lists and schedules and stick some of them up on the backboard in front of my desk, or just have these loose sheets that I refer to. I write any important things I need to address on my current sheet. I also use a kind of hard copy diary, but I don't use it like a diary. I don't write things under the relevant date. My 'diary' is just a long to-do list, so at the moment I'm just using a notebook. \\\ I keep in my backpack, along with my 2019 diary, which I just kept using after 2019 - in the way I described: just listing stuff - but then I got to the end of it, so I started using this notebook. It's a notebook I bought from one of those Japanese stationery shops. It has a lot of names on it and I'm not sure which is the brandname - Paper Pocket/ Signature Range/ The Blooms Collection (actually I did a google search and the brand name is Paper Pocket). The cover has lots of little doodle pics of plants. It has different sections:

  • First page spread
    • page 1 - Weeky To Do List, with a separate square for each day and a big lined square called 'Overview'
    • page 2 has the following sections:
      • Must do this week
      • Calls to make (with tick boxes)
      • emails to write (with tick boxes)
      • 'Just get it done' project!!! (their exclamation marks) 
  • Second page spread - grids with some plant doodles
  • Third page spread - dot grids with some plant doodles
  • Fourth page spread - Notes Page with lines - with heading 'Notes'
  • Then a repetition of second, third and fourth
  • Then a repetition of the first page spread - weekly plan
  • And the whole book repeats that pattern over and over, with every once in a while, a whole page with larger plant doodles. 
But how do I use it? Like a barbarian, I just write an ongoing to-do list...that's it...I just list all these things I have to do, with no organisation whatsoever. It's not really a good system. The idea is that I regularly check it and do the stuff on the list, but I tend not to do that. Usually I end up doing things when they become more urgent or they're on my mind. Every now and then I look through the book(s). 

One of the things that isn't really part of the ongoing to do list that I've written in these books is an ongoing list of life goals, which I like referring to, and adding to from time to time.  

But with all the different sections and tick-boxes and stuff....I've never really liked that kind of pre-arranged planning template - like filofax organisers and bullet journals. I know that some people use those systems to good effect - to actually be organised and to work towards goals (one big step beyond what I'm doing in just writing down my goals) - but for me it seems like actually doing the bullet journaling or filofaxing or whatever is like a project in itself. I don't see it helping me to get stuff done || instead it seems like it is itself one more thing to do. and it's actually the kind of thing I would add to my list....'develop/ adopt better organisation system/ start bullet journaling/ ....' 

But now that I'm really reflecting on it, it's becoming something I'm actually interested art or coding. I'm watching a few youtube videos on it. From what I can tell, the key is to make it your system. I have a system - I have daily goals = things that I try to do every day (they're the same things every day), I have my diary/ to do type books, and like I said, I have these loose sheets that I keep close at hand, with things that are fairly immediately important. I could probably improve my system by adopting some of the bullet-journaling type things....

....but, to be honest, it just seems like a lot of's like you're taking a blank book and then creating a diary in it - with all these boxes and sections and headings. I think what I will do is do some research and work on developing and improving my organisation system. I'm keen to do more digitally actually. Like, maybe I can use google calendar, outlook, Trello, todoist, kanban, etc.....actually, looking at the different platforms looks the most interesting. I've heard good things about it, it's free and it looks fun to use. It looks like you can do a lot of different things with it.  I'm kind of intrigued by the analog side of things too - like bullet journaling and sticking notes on the wall or a whiteboard or something. 

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