Thursday, December 8, 2022

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I think that, to consistently do any kind of creative work, you have to come up with a signature style - some pattern or technique that you repeat. 

I've never been good at art but I've always wanted to make art. When I was in...I think year 3 or year 4...a teacher showed us this technique for making images where you start off with some shapes and you just keep drawing parallel lines around the shapes until you fill the whole page. I thought it was perfect because it's so mechanical - you don't need any skill or talent to do it - but you can produce something that looks interesting. So, for years afterward I was doing variations of that technique. 

I think it's similar with writing. That's why, when I start a new blog, it's really hard at first, because I don't know what writing that blog is like. After a while, I have a sense of, this is what it means to write this blog. 

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