Friday, January 20, 2023


With exposure, the key is to stay in the anxiety inducing situation until you feel better and then leave. You don't rush out of the situation. After doing that a few times, the situation holds no fear for me. But then there'll be a day when I think, I'm struggling a bit more today. So, I'm on edge, thinking that maybe I'm going to get anxious. So, I kind of rush a little bit and get out of the situation as soon as I can. I'm scared that I'm not going to be able to function, and sure enough that's what happens - it's hard to function. Now, that situation is associated with fear again and it's as hard as it's ever been. But then the next day I face it again. I go into the situation. And it's OK. It's easy again. But facing the fear this time wasn't as hard as it was months ago, because I can tell myself that I've done this before and it will be fine, and I believe myself. 

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