Friday, January 13, 2023

catastrophe creation

being set free still seems like a tragedy to me

i mean for the old me

and it's true that the outlook for the old me is bleak

i'm still held captive by the old stories

i'm glad that this crisis goes on and on maybe indefinitely

because this is the only way i would change

nothing else would motivate this change

there has to be very little hope for my old self

it has to be intolerable to be my old self

it's a process

i keep retreating back to the safety of what i know

and finding no rest there

for moments at a time, i have a sense of hope

i hear the sweet music of freedom and security 

it's very quickly drowned out by the blare of fear and rumination and anxiety and depression and despair

it doesn't matter how i feel

my new life is growing

and I'm learning to be my new self

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