Sunday, January 22, 2023


I felt stuck, immobilized this morning - stuck in painful rumination. It seems endless. It seems immutable. It's my whole reality. 

But then I thought, what if I pushed back? There was something about just thinking of that possibility that really motivated me. It changed my reality. 

Later on the rumination returned, and it's hard to break out of it. But these draughts of freedom give me hope. 

It is real. It is the truth. It is what I'm moving into. It's the life of my daily goals. That life is mine already. 

But yeah, it was like a different reality. 

I have to remember it's a process, and that I need to be patient. In the journey of the hero, two of the steps are: facing and transforming demons and building new resources (or maybe, building a new world?). 

You have to face the demons to transform them. And it takes time to build new resources. 

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