Saturday, February 4, 2023


The more uncomfortable I feel the better, because the distress is pushing me into my new life. It seems like something has gone badly wrong. Surely, it's not meant to be like this. But no, my old habits of thinking and living need to go wrong. 

It's Tony Robbins who said that we change when the pain of staying the way we are is greater than the pain of changing. I think that's true and sometimes I've desperately wished that I could change so that I wouldn't have to endure the pain I was in. But I can't. I don't know how to change. How can you become something you're not - something you have no idea about? I'm thinking, how much pain is it going to take to push me into change? 

But I was missing the point. Pain brings the change. Pain creates the change, or rather, pain is an expression of the change being wrought, because pain doesn't create anything. 

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