Wednesday, February 15, 2023

କ୍ଷି TਤਾჷTзD ତ

Today I read 1 Samuel 24. King Saul was constantly trying to kill David, who was destined to become the king. One day, David and his men were hiding in a cave, and Saul went into that very cave to 'relieve himself'. So, it was as if God had given Saul into David's hands, and that's what David's men said to him. But David decided not to kill Saul because he regarded it as wrong to kill the Lord's anointed. 

When Saul was leaving the cave, David called out after him and they spoke. David pointed out that he had cut off a portion of Saul's robe and that he could have killed him but didn't. Saul was contrite about his intentions to kill David. He said to David, 'You are more righteous than I, for you have repaid me good, whereas I have repaid you evil.' He goes on to say that he knows that David will be king one day, and he says a lot of other conciliatory things. 

It seems like a real moment of realization - a change of heart on Saul's part. Two chapters later, Saul is trying to kill David again. I was wondering, what's wrong with Saul? How could he be so eloquent in wishing good for David and then so soon after actively seeking his death? It makes no sense. 

But then it occurred to me that I'm exactly like that. What I do doesn't make sense. I'm double minded. I say that I hate sin and love righteousness and I mean it sincerely, but I still keep sinning. Just like Saul, in the right circumstances, I have the right intent and resolution, but later, when things change and I'm tested, I don't hold to my resolve, and I do what I know is wrong. 

David was different. When he was tested, he chose to do what is right. 

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