Monday, February 13, 2023


I always feel like it's more inspiring when someone has to work hard to achieve something than if it came easily. A lesser achievement can be more inspiring if it's harder to achieve. 

Surely we can all do great things because we can all do something that is challenging for us. 

Growth, healing, change, ought to be painful and difficult. 

I tend to foresee disaster, but reality is so much more beautiful, and I'm waking up into something permanent. 

It's been a long hard journey, and it's disturbing that it's still so hard. It seems strange. I don't know exactly what the problem is, actually. There's something wrong it seems, and people think there's something wrong with me. 

There is something wrong with me, but it doesn't matter. I'm on a journey and a journey doesn't go round and round in circles - a journey involves progress away from something and towards something else. 

I can feel my new self, with different values and concerns, becoming. 

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