Tuesday, April 25, 2023

on being strong

Some people like to remind you in an admonishing way, that the Bible uses the phrase 'Do not be afraid', 365 times - once for every day of the year. It's a challenge they give you. They aren't afraid because that would be sinful, but they're challenging you about your fear. 

But I don't think we're called to be invulnerable on our own strength. In fact, the Bible tells us that God abhors that. Self reliance is specifically mentioned as something that God hates. God can't work in our lives when we rely on and are confident in our own strength and courage. When God says, 'do not be afraid', it's not in a heavy command-like way, but in a loving and kind way. It's comforting and encouraging. Because of God, we don't need to be afraid. 

The word that Jesus used for God was scandalous - it was blasphemy. He used the same word that little kids used for their father. 

When I first became a Christian, I had the idea that, as a Christian, I had to do things that I was incapable of doing on my own strength. I had to stand up and speak in front of groups. I had to talk to strangers and people I know, about God. I had to talk to everyone about God. I didn't need to think of what to say in advance because God would give me the right words. I constantly felt the pressure to do that. 

One day I had an epiphany. I was thinking about and feeling that urge to talk to people that had become so much a part of my life, and it dawned on me that God actually cares about how I feel about this. He didn't program instructions into me like a robot, which I then have to keep performing for the rest of my life. It made me stop for a minute and savor that moment. It was a moment of rest and realization....realization that this faith is about having a relationship - a real relationship - with God. 

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