Tuesday, April 18, 2023

threats and promises

I tend to focus on the ways that I'm not doing well instead of appreciating the ways that I am doing well. I think it's because I feel like I need to be aware of the threats, and not of the strengths and opportunities. 

It's like, if you're getting attacked by a tiger, that becomes your priority. But that fear-focused thinking doesn't lead anywhere good. 

I always think I need to worry. I need to think about the huge obstacles I'm facing. I'm stuck in a vicious cycle....my problem stopping me from being active, my inactivity feeding my problem.

My fears lie. Time and time again, something will happen and I will dwell on that thing and formulate disastrous scenarios in my mind and be weighed down by a crushing burden, and then it turns out that the reality of the situation is so much better than I had imagined. The problem I foresaw - what I saw as an obstacle - didn't exist. Things work out. There are so many miracles that go into just living through a day. 

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